Friday, March 4, 2011



  1. Black and white carry connotations of their own. Here you are talking about Psychology. That is why advertising works- right! But the other part you are talking about is PERCEPTION- look at ALan Gilchrist but esp. :

    This may help. But why are you showing people this? I feel like you have other interests that are colliding with this fascination? Like, how we ALL SEE EVERYTHING in a different way- so how do we relate to one another?
    1. Follow what you have proposed, a way to show this contrast issue and include how we perceive our world at large. That seems to tie Color Theory to LIVING our life!
    2. Do a TRIPPY ZINE where you explore your questions and GIVE US NO ANSWERS! One thing that strikes me about the images you bring to class is that they WONDERFULLY FULL of the ODDEST COLOR> It is ACID and PATTERNED in another worlds view. SO- in this phase, PUSH your question (almost in a poetic way) to SHOW US this world you wonder about- no need to explain. Just TAKE US THERE! Lead us around, take me to one place and see if you can lead me to the next by CONNECTING The experiences through image and color- NO WORDS! In the color world this would involve "BRIDGE" colors. They are IN BETWEEN two worlds. SO, between black and white is gray- easy, but between light pink and greenish gray? OR chalky violet and fire Orange?
    SHOW me the story of your imagined color world. Even if it is only a fantasy (number one- above- will cover the "facts") it will be a learning journey for you to explore and WONDER!
    be well T

  2. I agree with Tom. I don't think you need words. Start by documenting the way color changes in your everday life. Why is it important for people to notice that one color will appear different in different contexts or at different times of day. Your zine can give people a different perspective of NYC through simple color demonstrations.

  3. I'm glad you decided to change the background color from white to black to experiment the changes. this could be a really fun zine that could be an object within itself. i imagine it coming a part and maybe even becoming a poster at the end? i think you should resolve your format and binding and see what possibilities are there.

