Thursday, March 3, 2011



  1. Hyeyoon, I need the face, word and image to work together. RIght now, they seem dropped on randomly. I find this distracting. Try to "sketch" out different ways to show these 3 elements together. DO NOT SHOW THIS ONE WAY only!!!! Show several ways they could go. Look at ways people combined images, text and painting that you like. GO TO THE LIBRARY. Consider David Salle,, look at at anthology of artist from the 60s-80s to get some ideas! Ask the librarian for help!!!
    DO some sketches of the way these go together for this week and show us how the COLOR layers will work in PHYSICAL PRINTED FORM!
    BE well Tom

  2. i agree with thomas. also i feel like an interesting direction for this could be showing how paintings evidence his mood, for example. there are lesser known works from him that are way darker and, in my opinion, way more interesting. i guess i imagined a zine that could show that going from bright colors (happy, love, etc) to dark and gloomy(sadness, anger, etc). Maybe that way feeling become a narrative within itself. Just think about it.


  3. I think the simplicity and subtleness of the colors works really well. I think Tom is right that image and text are not working together yet. I know your art work and it is so beautiful so I think you should take this opportunity to incorporate many of your drawings into your zine!
