Sunday, March 20, 2011


Hello all, I want you to consider these two images. One on the left by Ofili, the Virgin Mary and the right by Serrano, Piss Christ. They caused MAJOR controversies in the world of art? Why, they look simple enough? But they did!
I am finding that student generally are being asked to create "good" work. Work that doesn't stir things up too much. And I started to wonder? If color is the MOST EMOTIONAL ELEMENT in art and design, then why are we in ECSTASY, PISSED OFF, ANGRY, THRILLED and OFFENDED by the uses of color in our projects? We should be emotional put to our limits!
SO, I ask, with all that you are required to do, one more thing (bear with me), consider how your project could "LIGHT SOMEONE'S EMOTIONAL TORCH UP!" What could you say, do, create that would make us argue, discuss, reconsider, or just see more of our world through your eyes.
Sometimes it is a simple gesture of TRUTH, exposing your DOUBTS, CONCERNS, FEARS...whatever you wonder about- bring it to class and we can discuss!
I look forward to seeing the FINAL ZINES this week.
Be well Tom


  1. i'm confused- is this connected to the zines? like how our zines will "torch" someone up?

  2. Chris Ofili is a HUGE inspiration of mine. I love watching how his work has matured over the years. The tate did a really good survey of his work with an accompanying short documentary (
    I like how both of these question what is sacred and how that fits in with our conception of appropriate representation. By looking, what was once a known entity is now unknown, maybe even unknowable.
