Saturday, March 5, 2011

Nick Kleist: "Zine"


  1. Passing occurs in many guises. Maybe you want to expand what/who is "passing" as you speak of handling IDENTITY in a larger context?
    BUT, I would stick to this issues as you explore the possible ways to express your intentions. And at this point, you are GATHERING info, rehearsing what you want to say- us, offend us, take us over an edge! Try things out, try images, try abstract notions (Identity is shown through...?). Don't rule anything out, bring your experiments to class and we will help you "read" your WILD Passionate meaderings.
    BE well Tom

  2. Good Start...keep writing, it will help you develop your idea. Try to do some experiments with different colored light. Perhaps you can shine green, blue or red light on peoples skin to see how it may change their "racial" appearance. If you decide to do this photograph it so you can see how it translates to an image...
