Saturday, March 26, 2011

Holi The Hindu Festival of Colors

Holi celebrates the passing of winter and the coming of spring with exuberant bursts of color. Across India, color explodes from every direction as dye or as powder, coating people, buildings, any and all surfaces.

Check out the rest of the pics here :)
The Big Picture


  1. I heard about this a few months ago. I want to go so badly!! These are great photos!

  2. i was noticing that we also kinda do that in anticipation of spring. I was walking through Thompson Square Park and noticed that the trees are starting to sprout little leaves. I started to notice that the people in the park were wearing bright colors. Instead of the black and dry of NY winters I saw a turquoise purse, red sneakers, a yellow sweater. Despite how New Yorkers love to say they always wear black, even they are not immune to catching spring color fever!

  3. This is so awesome. Wanted to go play. was too cold
    2.there was so much work to do.

    But Holi Although it is not celebrated so intensely in Southern India, Chennai where I am from, is still a pretty big deal. Basically it's just people coming together and being super happy.Love it! Best way to let loose and get down and dirty:)
