Sunday, February 13, 2011

Colour Bio and Re-interpretation

My Colour Bio

Re-interpreted Colour Bio


  1. Who is HappyStarfruit?
    Love the interpretation- but all the white made the colors feel darker. You could compensate by adding white to the colors if they are on a WHITE background! OR try scanning and adding some dark to the white ground (BUT tweak the white so that it doesn't look like a color...try whites that are R, O, Y, G, B, V and some versions that are grayed!

  2. HappyStarfruit is an alias for online. I've tagged all my posts now with Isa though, so you can know it's me. :)

    The background for the reinterpreted one is actually an off white-beige-ish tweed taken from the original (Shin's). Probably trimming the white would have been best!
