This week, after presenting our color biographies, we were asked to switch autobiographies with other students in the class, and reinterpret their autobiography through the lens of our own color perspective—in a sense, bridging the gap between their world color view and ours. The first two images are my classmate's color autobiography that I was asked to reinterpret; the third and fourth images are my response to her piece.
While my original color autobiography had been a two-dimensional piece using found images, I decided to respond to my classmate's work by interpreting my own color personality in three dimensions. Using a different base to inject a feeling of natural materials, I wanted to mimick some of the flowing materials in her piece but using my own spin, utilizing different textures, patterns, and colors.
And if you are viewing this post out of sequence with the rest of this class' work materials, here is a link to my original color autobiography.
Liz, why does the classmates look cheap and yours looks rich? What is the color issue at hand here and where does that association come from? Just guess? There is no definitive answer.