Wednesday, May 11, 2011

shin's final CIG CAMPAIGN

I went to Union Square Park with a pack of cigarettes and wandered around to find people smoking at the park. Suprisingly, there were many people smoking- and unaware of the new law prohibiting smoking at parks. I asked people if I could take pictures of them as they smoking, most refused but luckily, some people did not mind (in return I offered a brand new cigarette. ha). The process was much more enjoyable than the previous of picking up/collecting the littered butts and placing them in my frig. I had some good conversations with them as they smoked.
I picked photography because I wanted to capture snapshots of the actual park as well as smoking action live. The color tones felt more natural in that way. I kept the type and color of the type to simple white, giving a sense of white stick-like cigarettes. After collecting photos, I created different series of posters as below. Then, rolled them to the size of an actual cigarette and placed them inside a cig box. The color and size mimics a cigarette, but when unrolled- reveals a message- "FIFTY BUCKS, visit NYC.GOV." I wanted to keep the words simple, to make the words memorable, and if curious explore by going to the site.

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